We at New Noble School, I strive to respect the unique individuality of each give the child the right kind of help. We believe that a child will be succfully in life if we accept him/her as they are and inspire them to become what they want to become. They want to be liked, appreciated and to be respected their individuality. It is our join duty to make him/her a responsible student throughout his/her study career in this school.
We give lot of importance to make discipline a croro value, encourage students to develop a sense of responsiblity through a well planned academic schedule, competitions and sports activities. The school give all the important information on school like the routine all the important information on school like the routine, rules and regulation, uniforms, test schedules, holidays, co-curricular activities and feedback from teachers. The parents should ensure that their word is actively involyved in al activities.
Finally, I want to ansure you that their management and our team experienced teachers are doing their best to give your child the required edgeto make his/her mark in their global world.